Friday, December 6, 2013

Thing #20: YouTube

My husband had just gotten home from his deployment and I took this video with my phone when he went to let our dog inside.  Chief had not seen him in six months (he's a year old now) so the pup was pretty excited.

Here's the link in case the embedded isn't working:

At first I uploaded this video to YouTube through my other gmail account, however I had trouble relocating it when clicking the add video button in making this post.  When I signed in to YouTube on my phone through this account and uploaded the video, I was then able to add it to this blog.

I am a frequent YouTube user in the classroom.  It is amazing the dramatic increase in student attentiveness when you give them a video to watch.  One of my favorites to show is one of the Crash Course Chemistry series and it does a great job of telling the story of Mendeleev.  This is a video that may be embedded on a class webpage when covering this unit on the organization of the periodic table.

Teacher Tube is another site that I have seen other teachers use.  One of my friends had her class record a song, rap, or video pertaining to their unit topic.  One of her student's made this rap about metallic, ionic, and covalent bonds.  This site would be useful for these types of projects since at many schools YouTube is blocked from student computers.

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